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Leave the centre of Tavistock on the Brentor, Lydford road (between TSB and HSBC). Stay on this road for about 5 miles passing Brentor church on the Tor and the closed down Brentor Inn, continue on this road for about another mile at which point the road will start to go up hill and you will see a convex traffic mirror on your left and a lane on your right with a clear white sign saying Burnville Farm. Turn down the lane and continue past a white house called Guinea, you will then come to some large granite gate posts, go through these and up the drive to Burnville House.


Burnville Farm is marked on OS landranger map 201or you can find us on the OS web site by entering our post code PL19 0NE.


From the M5 take the A30 (just after Exeter) towards Okehampton. After the Okehampton exit take the next exit to Tavistock A386, after about 4.5 miles turn right opposite the Dartmoor Inn to Lydford. Continue through Lydford for about 4.5 miles, after the Mucky Duck (large cream building on right) the road goes up hill, flattens out and then starts to go downhill, our lane is on the left at the bottom of the hill opposite a convex traffic mirror. If you reach a left hand turn to North Brentor you have gone too far. Continue down the lane past the white house on left and then between large granite gate posts and up the drive to Burnville House

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